Funny are you gay test

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On top of this, Stephen Fry has recently revealed his engagement to partner Elliot Spencer. Also, UK prime minister David Cameron recently made comments that suggest he considers homosexuality the aforementioned “lifestyle choice” (although this could easily have been poorly chosen wording). There was a recent study that suggests homosexuality is linked to the X chromosome, so is therefore genetic, ie inherent, not a choice. This issue has come up again (for what is possibly the 12,456,987,332nd time) for several reasons. Homosexual members of society can unfortunately expect to regularly be challenged, scrutinised and condemned by belligerent type who are seemingly convinced that homosexuality is a “ lifestyle choice”. Besides, even if I did think they were gay, it’s certainly not something I’m going to bring up when first meeting someone, given how it’s a) irrelevant, and b) none of my damn business.

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